The company continual growth is testimony of our capability and commitment to adapt to the needs of an ever changing world.

In today's rapidly changing world, we fulfill global resources needs in their raw or processed formats from supply abundant locations to high demand zones. We leverage on our network of global relations to execute all the trades seamlessly with thorough understanding of the intricate interdependencies of the global markets and demand supply gaps.

To Challenge & Push the boundaries of Traditional Business by merging

  • Advanced Technology.
  • Timely delivery.
  • Strong logistic.
  • Always look forward to a long term mutually beneficial association.
  • Customer satisfaction.


Our mission is to be a Customer Centric, Environmentally Friendly, and Sustainable Enterprise who is able to deliver TRUE VALUE throughout the supply chain.

AL-RAZA SOLUTION & TECHNOLOGY wants to be a Solution Provider for Rechargeable Batteries,Load cell,Circuits,transformers,LPG & CNG Components,LPG Systems and Total Weighing Solution.